abu dhabi sunshine

life, times...and opinions from Abu Dhabi

Thursday, February 23, 2006


It was June 1997, the summer when I lost more of my innocence. My close childhood friend had just passed away suddenly, and I was going out with a deadbeat.

I had mustered the courage to go out to a bar for the first time since my friend had passed away, and I was having a shitty time. I went out by the water for air, and the tears overcame me. I was sitting alone when I saw this guy looking at me.

He came to speak to me and I quickly wanted to dismiss him. But he sat down at my table and asked me what was wrong. The words flooded out; I told him everything. Then he began to speak, to this day I cannot remember what he was really talking about it.

The conversation felt like it had lasted hours, but it must have just lasted about a half hour. The more he spoke, the more relieved I felt. I was smiling, although I don't remember why. He politely decided he'd leave me alone and said goodbye. He turned around and asked for my name. Then he said: My name is Soul.

He walked away, I turned around for a split second, looked back, and he was nowhere to be seen.

I've never been a big believer, but to this day, I believe this big and burly guy, Soul, was my guardian angel.

And no, I was not drunk.


Listening to: Jason Mraz - You & I Both
This guy has the sweetest voice ever.


At 9:19 AM, Blogger Dubai Sunshine said...

Beautiful post

At 9:31 AM, Blogger nzm said...

Awesome story - keep believing and keep the faith.

If you can get it, read "The Journey Home - a Kryon Parable" by Lee Carroll.

We all have angels to guide us!

At 12:31 PM, Blogger sky said...

Thanks guys!
I'll definitely check out the book nzm.

At 3:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ohhhh... Ca me rappelle un truc qui est arrive a ma mere il y a super longtemps... Elle etait a Paris pour se faire soigner d'un truc (on lui avait dit qu'elle pourrait plus avoir d'enfants) elle marchait dans la rue, toute triste... Et au coin d'une rue un vieil homme la regarde, lui sourit, et lui dit (en arabe): "Tu vas bientot avoir une belle surprise" (or something like that), en regardant son ventre... Quelques mois plus tard, petit frere est ne :)

At 6:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're sure that it wasn't 3ammo Ne3mih?
DC Habz

At 9:09 PM, Blogger sky said...

Merci Sissy, je trouve ca tres emouvant. Strangers can have such an impact on our lives sometimes.

Habz, Soul was not nearly as big and burly as Ne3mih..:)
Funny thought tho!

At 11:21 PM, Blogger nzm said...

Sissy - that happened to my mother too! She was walking in the street in Suva (Fiji, where I was born) and this old Indian man said to her in Hindi, "don't worry, baby will come soon."

My mother speaks Hindi because she was born in India, so she was able to understand him.

She had already miscarried twice after me and my brother.

Sure enough - 4 months later, along came our younger brother!

At 11:26 PM, Blogger sky said...

nzm, I had no idea you spoke French! (I'm assuming, since you responded to Sissy's comment).
And born in Fiji! Sounds like an amazing place. Do you go back much?

Hope you're enjoying Jordan!

At 11:27 PM, Blogger Dubai Sunshine said...

Sissy....c'est vrai que c'est une belle histoire aussi... C'est incroyable quand meme quand tu penses que le vieil homme a parle en Arabe, alors qu'il savait pas forcement que ta mere parlait elle aussi l'Arabe. Life works in mysterious ways I guess. Like NZM said, keep believing and keep the faith.

At 2:05 PM, Blogger nzm said...

Sky - I took 7 years of French in school and can still understand a lot of what I read - although speaking and writing it is another story!

I learned French in Fiji and NZ, and there's not much opportunity to keep practising it there!

Fiji was an amazing place to grow up in - I wouldn't have traded my time there for anything. On my father's side, I was the 4th generatuion of my family to be born there.

My mother was born in India, and moved to NZ when Ghandi claimed independence for India and kicked out all the British.

The colonial blood runs thick in my family - we are of British stock, but we've lived lives that have made positive influences on our understanding and tolerance - I hope! ;-)

At 11:26 PM, Blogger sky said...

Judging by your trips and travels, it seems the positive influences in your life are riding high nzm!

There's no better way to learn than by going out there and seeing the world, and it seems your upbringing has left quite an effect on you (again, judging by the little I know of you..:)

Thanks for sharing!

At 11:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so is this incident imaginary anyway?

At 6:06 PM, Blogger sky said...

Very Curious...no, it was definitely not imaginary. But who am I to know...maybe I needed to be comforted so much at that time in my life that I brought my guardian angel to life?

Just a thought..;)


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