abu dhabi sunshine

life, times...and opinions from Abu Dhabi

Monday, February 20, 2006


I feel like I've been away from my blog for ages, even though it's only been 4 days!

The weekend was quite fun, we ended up going out on a boat party on Friday, it was so much fun!! Isn't it funny how when you really don't feel like going somewhere and expect to have a crappy time, you end up having a blast!? That's exactly what happened, and with plenty of hot, unseen, guys to boot! I eyed one all day and ended up talking to him, and the conversation was as flat as my hair on bad hair days. It's so annoying when that happens. Oh well!

Work has been a little busier as well. I've been to more press conferences in the span of 4 days than I generally care to attend, and man are the people annoying! Not only do audiences leave their phones on and answer them during the press conference, but I've just seen my first committe member about to give a speech answer his ringing phone. Talk about setting an example!

These conferences have been held at Emirates Palace, and I know many people think that place is awesome, but it just bothers me. It's sooo big, it's sooo lifeless, and walking around in it to get to one place is a little annoying when you're wearing stilletto-like heels. I know, maybe I should invest in a more comfortable pair of shoes for work, and I may not be the most girly of girls, but it's hard to separate me from my heels.

I had a cool assignment yesterday where I got to meet a guy who bought the powerboat featured in the movie Sahara (with Matthew McConaughey and Penelope Cruz.) Given my fascination with all things celebrity, it was pretty cool to get to go on a ride in the exact same very sleek boat used in the movie. The owner was super cool too; I really do love my job sometimes (most of the time..:)

Anyway. I'm quite tired today; I had a very restless night last night for some reason so I'm quite beat today. I just watched the movie The Sea Inside, a Spanish movie that deals with euthanasia. I highly recommend it. I also saw West Beirut last night for the 3rd or 4th time, and it hits a nerve everytime. I am out of movies now...what to do tonight...? Ah yes, sleep.

Listening to: Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here


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