multiple choice
- are scum?
- are players?
- are sensitive?
- are torn?
- want to be with you but know they might hurt you?
- don't text you all day because they don't give a shit?
- don't text you all day because they feel bad?
- want their egos massaged and forget about you when they've gotten their fix?
- spend all night texting you while they're out a bar even though they don't want to be with you?
- leave their friends for a few minutes to call and check up on you when you've had a bad day even though they don't want to be with you?
- say they feel a certain closeness to you that they don't feel with others, yet don't want to pursue something more serious?
My very own personal conclusion at this time is that men are full of shit...or this man in particular.
He's by no means an asshole, just not fully realising how his actions are messing with my head.
Meanwhile, he's most likely having a great day, while I can hardly find a billion other things to do to keep my mind off reaching for that phone...
One thing I am certain of...women are: idiots.
Women are not idiots but they feel like that when they allow men to take them for granted. Never let anyone do that to you. I miss your funny posts.
I concur with mar. Your blog has "sunshine" in the title...
Not sure I agree with all of this, but maybe something is helpful...
Mohammed UK
Well, it is a classic case of a man who is just not that into you. But I guess like you said, women tend to hope and hope... time to amputate!
You're right mar...funny how it takes a man to make you feel like an idiot.
Mo, if you read my first post, you will know that my blog title does not refer to me having a sunny, positive personality, but refers to a very cheesy song :)
SS, you may be right. But mixed signals are so much more confusing when you're infactuated.
After the rain will come sun...just having a rough couple of weeks, but inshallah, things will get better.
….master of your destiny, you are – young Jedi
the funny thing is you describe men the same way we men desribe women when we face a similar situation. It goes both ways skyr my dear. Whether you're a guy or a girl, any relationship where the degree of involvement and the expectations are not balanced between the two parties, is bound to generate analysis and frustration and overgeneralizations. Just remember, men are not idiots or full of shit, neither are women. Unbalanced relationships are.
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