abu dhabi sunshine

life, times...and opinions from Abu Dhabi

Saturday, April 08, 2006

from fug to less fug

Uuufffffffffff I've finally changed my fugly template. Seriously, I took a minute and looked at it yesterday and it made me nauseous. I'm surprised no one called me on it before...you guys are too polite!

Anyway, so this kinda bland one will have to do for now, much better than the last one in my opinion. Still, I'm not lusting after this one either. But personalising my blog and creating an original template is a little more than what my little brain can handle.


At 10:26 PM, Blogger Dubai Sunshine said...

I like it....but the font is too small...I'm gonna need a "loupe" to be able to read your posts from now on...Make it bigger!

At 10:53 PM, Blogger nzm said...

yup - gotta agree re the font size - otherwise looks cool in a grey sort of way!

At 11:19 PM, Blogger sky said...


At 11:48 PM, Blogger moryarti said...

I like the colors.. goes well with the eye image..

At 10:11 AM, Blogger Jayne said...

Hmmmmm......methinks it's not as colourful as you & your blogs are.

At 10:15 AM, Blogger sky said...

That's what I thought too moryarti.
And you're right jin, the black and white is a bit depressing. Maybe I can spruce it up by using colour for my texts? I'll see.

The other templates just didn't inspire me :( When in doubt, always use black (and white) :)

At 6:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's my two cents...

I personnaly like the new picture and I like the grey too (it's elegant, to me) But I have to agree with the rest of the folks on the size of the font... Maybe one or two points bigger would do it. The general feel of the blog is nice, does it match your personnality though?

At 7:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

is that your eye?

At 7:47 PM, Blogger sky said...

hi chazoo, not sure if it does match my personality, but I'm definitely a 'go for black or white when in doubt' kinda person. Hence, my clothing..:) I don't experiment with colour very much, I find it doesn't suit me.

I swear I spent a half hour matching a top and shoes to brown pants the other day. How sad...:)

But of course, I ended up wearing a black top, but then I wondered all day whether black and brown was really a good combo, until I saw a well-dressed woman wearing brown pants and a black top.Phew.

I need to take fashion tips from DS, she doesn't shy away from colour or experimenting. Having worked for Loulou, she seems more knowledgeable that I, the former goth-wanna-be.

And yes anon, that is my eye. I'm watching you!

sorry, I'm being dumb.

At 9:26 PM, Blogger Dubai Sunshine said...

You know I was thinking that recently, my wardrobe has become rather bland as well. Lots of blacks and whites. I guess I go through my phases of vibrant colors, then go back to basic black, depending on my mood. I need to bring color back into my life.

But I must admit you have come a long way since your goth-wanna-be days. I never thought I'd live to see the day when you wore a skirt...or carried a purse...or (eeek!) wore high heels or pointy boots :) I am so proud of you little sis :)

Now bring some color into that blog of yours :)

At 9:50 PM, Blogger sky said...

I've finally discovered the joys of being a girl (woman?) :)


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