abu dhabi sunshine

life, times...and opinions from Abu Dhabi

Saturday, March 25, 2006

O Canada!

One of the very few things that makes me hang my head in shame at being Canadian...seal hunts.

I realise that this is a way of life for fishermen, but surely they can find another way to make a living?

Maybe I'm wrong, but the thought of these baby seals meeting their deaths so violently for the sake of a 'way of life' is sickening.

I know I know, I eat meat and cows are slaughtered every day. And yes I know all other kinds of animals are slaughtered every day...I've thought long and hard about becoming a vegetarian based on moral principles, but I haven't yet taken the step.

Anyway, back to the point, I wish Canada would do something about their seal hunt. I'd wish to remain a proud Canadian, although with crazy conservative Stephen Harper as prime minister, that may not be a realistic possibility. Why did the liberals have to go and screw it up!?


At 5:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all, hunters cannot hunt "blanchots" (or whities" - baby seals) anymore (since the 80's). They are allowed to hunt adult seals that are not white anymore.

I'm not sure how I feel about seal hunting per say. All I can ask is why are there no Brigitte Bardots and Paul McCartneys following deer hunters, and boar hunters and wolf hunters and moose hunters (or any other hunters)? Isn't that just as bad as hunting seals, when you think about it?

And I do think that, these days, hunting permits are distributed so that quotas are met to insure species control. The amount of seal hunters and the way they proceed to catch their prey will not decimate the entire seal population. And then, there are the people who do it. I'm sure, quite certain, that no body kills for fun, unless one is sick in the head. I'm sure the hunters do it for their own survival. To earn a few bucks to feed their families. I would choose them before I chose seals to be honest. And no, they probabably cannot do anything else because of their education (school and way of life), the area they live in, etc.

Anyway, to me seal hunting is no worse than hunting anything else. It bugs the Sh**t out of me that some signers and starlets plead this cause and not all hunting causes, because one is not worse than the other.

At 9:55 PM, Blogger sky said...

Yes I am Canadian...sometimes

Chazoo, I totally understand that seal hunting is a way of life, and that humans being survived millions of years ago by doing just that, hunting. I guess in this day in age, we think that everyone else around us has the means not to have to resort to such measures to make a living, but that's a very wrong train of thought.

I am against hunting of all animals (but that by no means makes me a vegetarian or a no-leather-no-fur activist). I guess I'm still ambivalent, not too sure what to think of it and how to apply my fuzzy principles (ah, the 20-somethings!)

I guess the fact that the seals are so damn cute and to see a man going after them with a club is a little nauseating to me. Sometimes, ignorance is bliss, and maybe had I not seen photos or heard about this, I would have never thought about seal hunting in the first place.

Also, regarding those celebs, I know some of them can very annoying, but it seems to me in this case, Bardot and the McCartney's are also activists with regards to other causes. (Don't quote me on that, but that's what I believe I've read.)
But at least celebs are in the spotlight, and if they can change one person's mind about some things that need to be changed, then it's not such a bad thing.


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