abu dhabi sunshine

life, times...and opinions from Abu Dhabi

Thursday, March 09, 2006

matters of the hair

What is it about male hairdressers, who either look and act extremely gay and flamboyant, or so manly and wonderfully-moody that sitting in their chair for 3-plus hours is nothing short of pleasurable?

I finally got my hair cut and coloured this morning, it was long overdue. And luckily, I have the latter-described kind of hairdresser. He isn't particularly dreamy, but I guess it has something to do with a man fiddling around with my hair.

I am one of those who now can fall asleep when people play with my hair, as opposed to being a traumatised child because my hair was so fine that it would fall out in hords when my mean cousin (yes, Habz, you!) would pull on my hair!

And not that anyone cares, but I am so happy my hair is now healthy (knock on wood). I started dyeing my hair when I was 15 and have gone through almost every colour in the book. A few years back, I decided I would dye all of my hair brown, bleach a good 5 centimetres at the bottom, and dye those fire-engine red. It was nice for a day or two, but the red then turned into a Halloween-orange, leading a guy on the street to yell out: "Hey, Halloween is over!"


My hair was so damaged after that dye-job that everytime I washed it, it was so porous it looked like a soaked cotton ball. Not good. Even the hairdresser could not hide how sorry she felt for me.

Other hair disasters include me going to an AD hairdresser and asking for layers (at the height of their popularity in the early 90's). He asked me to put my head down, took a pair of scissors and just sliced it off in one go. I was left with a mullet. Seriously, Jon Bon Jovi had nothing on me.

I cried and cried and cried until my mullet grew out, and used every possible technique in the book to hide it until it grew out. Needless to say, I went through a "I-will-never-cut-my-hair-ever-ever-ever-ever-again" phase, which resulted in a full head of split ends and badly damaged hair.

So for my hair to look the way it looks now is quite an achievement, even if I splurge on a particular kind of shampoo every month. Expensive, yes, vain, maybe, but a girl is almost nothing without a good head of hair.


Listening to: Desireless - Voyage Voyage
(Great classic French 80's track!)


At 12:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"a girl is almost nothing without a good head of hair", Girls with thin/fine hair should take offense to that, and I'm one of those girls:).

At 1:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really can't remember a time when I used to pull on your hair but if that happened, I promise that I will grow out my hair again especially for you so you can have closure on your traumatic memories of our childhood
Your not so mean coz,

At 1:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

.......Grow my hair out to have you pull it all out of course.....

At 10:01 AM, Blogger Dubai Sunshine said...

I think you should take up HABZ's offer Sky...I would love to see him grow his hair out :)

At 9:12 PM, Blogger sky said...

Anonymous, I never said that a girl with fine/thin hair couldn't have a great head of hair!
I am one of them...:)

Habz you're on! But I have a question, will you actually be able to grow your hair back? Aren't you balding?

I'm kiddiiiiiiiiiiiing

At 1:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

SKY, SKY....You've been watching too much Seinfeld episodes my dear......Actually, all these years of keeping my hair short, made it even thicker than it was prior(and it was thick)...so if you're willing to accept my offer, I'll skip my hair cut scheduled for tomorrow.....and you can go crazy next X-MAS with my hair....After all, I don't want you to carry this traumatic childhood experience with you for the rest of your life........I still claim my innocence from it, but if it will make you feel better, i can be your personal punching(hair pulling) bag....I'm glad to offer you therapy, release and finally some closure!
Let me know.

At 9:04 PM, Blogger Shaykhspeara Sha'ira said...

Ah I feel you sky! On one of my trips to Pakistan, many years back, I had the fabulous idea of getting highlights. There was a wedding and I wanted to look nice.

now since I am half swedish, I do not have that thick "I can throw poison on your hair and it won't fall off" kinda hair, so naturally whatever dye they used was way too strong.

My hair became synthetic barbie hair. Ah well, good thing part of the dress in Pakistan is wearing a shawl. lol

At 10:24 PM, Blogger sky said...

Haha shaykhspeara! That was a lucky, lucky thing that you were wearing a shawl.

The things we girls do to ourselves...

Welcome and good to hear from you, I'll be reading your blog!

At 10:26 PM, Blogger sky said...

Thanks Habz that's so nice of you!
But if growing your hair means that you'll spend even MORE time in front of the mirror when you come here for X-mas, then I'll pass!

But thanks for your kind, generous and therapeutic offer. I can sleep better at night now knowing that my cousin would go to such great lengths for me. Thank you...thank you...thank you.

At 6:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great lengths?....Not at all!!!!!It's my pleasure to do anything for my cousin in her
time(s)of need........ and, also glad to help out in the sleep dept. ....After all, how many SKYs do we all have in this world!?.......BTW any hair pulling,... you would have to do, on location, at my favorite beach spot........I'm not a big fan of spending too much time indoors, let alone in front of a mirror.....Again, you're mistaken me for someone that gives a crap on how my very short hair looks like...I mean come on SKY, your argument beats my purpose of keeping my hair short to begin with......which is not having to deal with it!....Right?.....I think that your heavy heart(from past exp.)is clouding your rational....Hang in there until X-MAS...OK?...I can then offer you my hair, and you can finally put this traumatic past exp. to rest!
Cheers for now(try)!


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