abu dhabi sunshine

life, times...and opinions from Abu Dhabi

Sunday, March 19, 2006

job update

So I still have a job...phew. I wouldn't breathe too easy though; my company is known to be fire-happy. But at least all my bitching led to one constructive thing being done.

The boss and I had another argument this morning (he started it!), during which I told him it was not my problem if he wasn't competent enough to get his team together for a 10 min meeting everyday.

Within a half hour, an email had come through stating that daily meetings will be held from now on.

I'd jump for joy that my little voice has finally been heard, but we've tried this daily meeting thing before and it would work for a day and a half, and then everyone would go their own way again.

Fingers crossed, for the millionth time.


At 11:28 PM, Blogger Edward Ott said...

sounds like you are trying to herd cats.


At 11:32 PM, Blogger nzm said...

The best thing that you can all do is show up each day at the designated meeting time - and shame him into being there too.

Worked for my team back in NZ - we used to hold a 9am meeting in my office every day, and they would bowl up without me having to bully them!

Suggest that he designates a 2IC to bring the team together - but only do this if you want to be the 2IC, otherwise you might get a job that you don't want!


At 8:00 AM, Blogger Fouad said...

way to go girl :)

At 9:17 AM, Blogger Jayne said...

Glad you've still got your job hon! It does wonders to the psyche to finally get to tell a 'superior' - especially in the workplace - that they are either wrong or just a total arsehole!
You've made the first move, so don't let him brow beat you down again. Put a little box on your desk & label it 'Idiot Box' & the next time the boss spits his dummy, tell him to get back in the box..........hehehehe

At 7:44 PM, Blogger sky said...

I'm actually trying to herd idiots ed...:)

Welcome back nzm! how was the trip? I did rally the 'team' (4 people, including me..hahah)together today, earlier than was suggested. I won't make it too obvious, as I don't want to be the 2lC. It's day 2 and the meeting is still happening, so that's an improvement!

Merciiiii Fouad..:)

The 'idiot box' is definitely a good idea Jin. If only I could get someone to draw the boss' dumb face on it...hmm. Fouad (the artist), wanna help?


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