abu dhabi sunshine

life, times...and opinions from Abu Dhabi

Monday, April 24, 2006


"I was hoping it was you."
It was me. I was secretly hoping the same thing. And it was him, in all his manliness and macho-ism. He quickly became everything I would crave in a man. Wit, brawn, and brazenly captivating.

We layed in the dark while he told me his story. Mine seemed like child's play comparatively. I listened, completely enthralled, a little appalled. Wit, brawn, and deeply troubled. How was I not going to fall for him?

Then he uttered the words that remain with me to this day. "It was so hard for you because you lost something that in your mind was perfect." He got me. Everything I had been trying to explain to myself, he figured out in days.

I restrained myself for weeks but it was inevitable. I wanted him all to myself, but he was an island. No woman was ever going to get to him, even if he chose her for the time being. It's been years since then, and I still think about him. I think about the mountains, I think about the impressions he left, both good and bad, I think about the night of my birthday, when the things to come were obvious though we had since broken up.

The night unfolded hazily and beautifully. He treated me like he loved me, although I was old enough to realise it was all a gorgeous seduction.

I never loved him, he never loved me. Yet he's still on my mind, and will remain the mystery of a man I hope I will one day find.


At 10:26 AM, Blogger Abha Malpani said...

'No man's an island'; I believe this is true. It's commitment phobia. On the outside they are Clark Gable, inside cowards. The 'mystery' you have described is like out of a book. You are lucky to have experienced it at all!

At 12:53 PM, Blogger Shaykhspeara Sha'ira said...

Hit me with the tissue box! *sob*

Tayyeb if you find him again, what then? The man's an island after all... unless you plan on being the palmtree?

At 10:13 PM, Blogger sky said...

Abha, you're right. This guy is completely textbook, but us women can be very silly sometimes and fall for their very own silliness.

SS, are you making fun of me?
I don't plan on being the palmtree if I find him again. I like to think with maturity comes wisdom, although it's not necessarily true in my case. But guys like him make a silly girl's heart beat, and that's really all I'm after these days.

At 4:29 AM, Blogger Shaykhspeara Sha'ira said...

Making fun of you? mosh ma2ool! wouldn't dream of it :) I see what you mean though... as long as you are happy.

At 10:15 AM, Blogger Abha Malpani said...

SS:completely off topic: I've noticed many a times when you (or anyone else) writes Arabic-Eng, there are often numbers in the words. Is that meant to be? or is it a mistake?

At 2:00 PM, Blogger Dubai Sunshine said...

abha, this is just a way of "translating" certain Arabic letters into English. See, some letters in the Arabic alphabet are non-existent in the English alphabet.

So whenever you see a 2 or a 3 or a 7 in the middle of a word, it's to convey a sound that phonetically does not exist in English. I wish I could explain how a 2 or a 3 or a 7 in the middle of a word would sound, but I can't :)

At 11:00 PM, Blogger sky said...

SS, feel free to make fun of me all you want to. I make fun of myself all the time, it's the only way to go in my book!

Shruti, it's my blog and I'll be sappy if I want to :p

Also, I wish I knew how to write from anywhere other than my heart.


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