abu dhabi sunshine

life, times...and opinions from Abu Dhabi

Friday, April 21, 2006

across the night

Today was a completely and utterly lazy Friday. I did absolutely nothing but lounge around in my PJs and listen to music all afternoon long. I transferred a bunch of music from my old and disintegrating laptop to my current one and became completely enthralled in the process.

Music affects me very much and with every song, memories and feelings came flooding back. Anyway, I came across this one song by Silverchair, called Across the Night. I remember the first time I heard it, I was a little taken aback.

It has such an odd feel to it, and very much a fragmented continuation. Had I not been listening with an open mind, I think I would have hated it. But something about it completely captured me. I was listening to it again today and was once again completely baffled by it. I read the lyrics over and over again, and they have a very uneasy feeling about them. All I could imagine was how tortured and tired the guy must have been while writing this song, as it just goes from one emotion to another.

I looked up its meaning and only found a couple of explanations. One saying its about singer Daniel Johns' dream, the other that its about his insomnia. Regardless, its a very theatrical song (as the video will also attest) that I believe really needs to be listened to with an open mind. Check it out, read the lyrics below, and let me know what you think of it and what explanations you may have for it.

Across the Night - Silverchair


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