abu dhabi sunshine

life, times...and opinions from Abu Dhabi

Saturday, November 12, 2005

goooooooaaaaaaaaaal go-go-go-goaaaaaal

You know what?
Here's what.

Dubai may be on the international map for all kinds of ski projects, fake islands, ugly Trump towers, world records, tennis championships, Jacko, Brad and Angelina.
But here's what Abu Dhabi's got over them. FOOTBALL.

I am a girl (or woman), I like all things girly like sappy movies, Britney and the odd Westlife song (amongst much deeper and more intellectual things, I swear.) But I also love football. Such a grassroots sport with such an enormous attraction. It's just more street...and if anything, AD is definitely more street than Dubai.

We have football. Sure the UAE are playing Brazil and may have no chance in hell of winning. But they're here, playing in little old Abu Dhabi...and the people are street enough to love it!



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