abu dhabi sunshine

life, times...and opinions from Abu Dhabi

Sunday, November 06, 2005

friends and foes

So I start off a shitty day at work today with my assignment for the day being about friendship. While the topic seems fun and lighthearted enough, logistical issues gave way to annoyances and impossibilites, increasing the shittiness of my day.

So here I was trying to write about friendship, and my very own friendships were experiencing turbulent times. It just gets shittier and shittier.

Why did my day start off shitty? Well here's why. I know the country I live in, and I know about inequality in the country like the palm of my hand. But when it so blatantly hits you in the face, it's quite insulting.

Through a series of work-related events which I will not get into, I along with some other expatriate colleagues have oh so blatantly been silenced by the voice of a UAE national. The UAE national was in no way hurting us, but the superior in our work space chose to honor the request of the UAE national, while BLATANTLY disregarding our very same request.

I know I've said blatantly a hundred times already, but this is my word of the day. BLATANT inequality, BLATANT cowardice from a supposed "boss" in the face of a UAE national, and just BLATANT total bullshit.

I kept my cool about it with the hopes that delaying and calming my anger would lead me to a constructive way of dealing with the issue. But really, will it make a difference? A UAE national voice will resonate much louder than my poor expatriate voice (and those of my expat colleagues), something I can somewhat understand. But for another expatriate (the "boss") to bow down with such hypocricy and fear to someone a third of his age is just disgusting.

I've had enough resentment at the work place with my previous employers, as they were all a bunch of unprofessional little boys with loads of cash...I didn't think I would experience it in this so far pleasant workplace.

I hadn't made up my mind on whether I hated or just felt sorry for the "boss", but my mind is now crystal clear. Total loser. TOTAL.


At 11:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 11:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 6:46 AM, Blogger black feline said...

u are right..there are too many shitty bosses..in UAE..all shapes and sizes..will be putting up several postings about a couple of bosses from hell..that i know personally..in Dubai..related to me by their filipino staff..


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