abu dhabi sunshine

life, times...and opinions from Abu Dhabi

Friday, November 11, 2005

the camel

the straw that broke the camel's back

what is that straw?

an unprofessional boss' behaviour?
a man's year-long inability to emote?
yet another attack on innocent lives?
an undesired meal?

that straw takes on so many shapes, so many degrees...everytime we think the camel's back has been broken, he gets right up and does it all over again. No matter how frail we may think we are, will a spirit never cease to amaze?
Is the camel's back really ever completely broken...
who knows, who cares really, as long as he gets back up.


At 4:45 AM, Blogger Fouad said...

Most fall but don't break sky. Yet some do. Let's hope we will be of those who always manage do get back up and walk.

At 10:55 PM, Blogger sky said...

Fouad, are you calling me a camel? :p
Thanks for your comment. I appreciate the support!


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